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How to Have an Alcohol-Free Labor Day

Day is just around the corner, and families across the country are busy making
plans for how to spend the weekend. Labor Day originated in the United States
in the late 19th century, and became a federal holiday in 1894. Since then,
Labor Day has celebrated the social and economic achievements of the labor
movement. It’s the perfect opportunity to commemorate contributions hardworking
Americans have made to the nation’s prosperity, strength and well-being.

year, Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday of September, giving workers
the opportunity for a day off, and a chance to relax with their loved ones.
Many people use the time to go out of town, get out in nature and celebrate the
holiday with friends or family. However, unfortunately for many, Labor Day has
also become synonymous with consuming alcohol. Because the weekend gives
workers time away from the job, Labor Day is a huge time for producing, selling
and consuming alcohol. And for those who choose to live an alcohol-free
lifestyle, this can create a serious problem.

can be difficult to avoid alcohol in daily life, but avoiding alcohol during
busy seasons like Labor Day weekend is almost impossible. Still, if you choose
to live alcohol-free, there are plenty of ways to avoid alcohol this coming
weekend. Here are some ideas for how you can celebrate an alcohol-free Labor

1. Talk with your loved ones.

first step in enjoying an alcohol-free Labor Day is sharing your intentions
with loved ones. Be sure to tell friends and family you want to avoid alcohol
for the weekend, and ask that they support your choices. When friends or family
know you wish to avoid alcohol, they can be proactive in what they bring to the
party, how they talk with you and what they invite you into. Share your heart
behind going alcohol-free. Explain the “why” behind your decision and invite
them to try it with you. When you are bold about the lifestyle you live, people
will be more informed going into the Labor Day weekend.

2. Make a plan.

make a plan for the weekend. Some people who choose not to drink have no
problem being surrounded by alcohol; however, some people really do
not want to be near alcohol at all. Do
you feel comfortable with alcohol near you, or do you want to avoid it
altogether this weekend? Create an action plan for how you want to spend the
weekend, and what you want to do in case alcohol does get involved. For
instance, if alcohol makes at an appearance at a party, would you stay, or
would you choose a different option? By creating a plan before going into the
weekend, you won’t feel overwhelmed or confused when situations arise with
alcohol. Instead, you will feel prepared and ready to make any necessary
decisions which support your lifestyle.

3. Have a buddy.

you have a plan in place, invite a buddy onboard with you. At this point,
you’ve already told friends and family about your intentions for the holiday
weekend. Ask if any of them would feel comfortable living an alcohol-free
lifestyle with you. At the very least, have a buddy in place to help keep you
accountable, encouraged and inspired when you feel tempted to drink. By having
a buddy, you bring someone onboard to hold you accountable throughout the
weekend, and make it easier on yourself when making alcohol-free choices.

4. Bring your own drink.

if you cannot avoid alcohol during the weekend, be sure to bring your own drink
to any events or parties you attend. Whether it’s soda, punch, water or a
non-alcoholic alternative to wine and beer, you can feel prepared for any
events you go to. Then, you’ll have an easier time turning down any alcohol
offered, feel less tempted to try other drinks and feel fully prepared to have
fun without alcohol. Choose your favorite drink and bring a bottle of it to
celebrate a safe and sober Labor Day weekend.

Day is right around the corner, and with it comes a slew of parties and events
with alcohol. For those who choose to live an alcohol-free lifestyle, Labor Day
weekend can be a challenging time, but it doesn’t have to be. Use these ideas
as we head into the upcoming holiday and celebrate Labor Day
your way—with or without alcohol.

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