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Millennials Are Going Alcohol-Free

Internet Generation. Generation Y. Millennials. Ever since the turn of the
century, millennials have been the talk of the town, with older generations
constantly wondering
how and why millennials seem to be ruining
everything. Articles like
5 Industries Millennials Are Killing (And Why), Millennials Are Snubbing Diamonds, and 6 Reasons Why More Millennials Aren’t Buying Homes roam the Internet, making us
imagine this is the worst generation, possibly ever.

millennials tend to get a bad rep, sometimes at no fault of their own. As with
any young generation, they simply started doing things… differently than those
before them. Millennials have faced more economic, social and societal
challenges than most generations before them, and as the Internet Generation,
have used much of technology to learn how to respond differently. And what’s
one thing in particular millennials are doing differently? Well, they’re going

read that right. Despite what some may portray or believe, the millennial
generation has actually slowed down, or even stopped altogether, the consumption
of alcohol; in fact, in comparison to their parents and grandparents before
them, they drink remarkably less. In a U.K. report from the
Office for National
Statistics in 2015
, it revealed the number of under-25ers opting for total
abstinence from alcohol had leapt up 40 percent in just eight years, with young
people overtaking the elderly as the most sober generation. Another report by
Wiley Online Library in

found that the percentage of U.S. teens who have tried alcohol has plummeted
since 1976, with the abrupt decrease in the past decade.

while older generations may have considered drinking cool, the millennials are
finding more and more reasons to live an alcohol-free lifestyle. What are some
of the reasons? Let’s look into the “why” behind millennials going

Of course,
one of the largest reasons millennials are choosing to abstain is pretty
simple: money. The fact is, alcohol can be expensive, and going out with a
purpose to drink can quickly add up. When considering the cost of buying
drinks, tipping and paying for a ride home, a night out with friends can
quickly add up to anywhere from $50-$100. Spend that once a week and
millennials are looking at a very stretched budget.

Dr. Monya De, an internist in Los
Angeles, “Millennials are saddled with debt and living in apartments that might
cost 60% of their monthly salary, while 20 years ago, the apartment would have
cost 30% of their salary.” The fact is the millennial generation grew up facing
one of the toughest economies in U.S. history, and with low salaries and high
costs of living, drinking alcohol simply isn’t a priority in their budgets.

also tend to place a higher value on their health than other generations have
in the past. Having grown up watching Generation X and the Baby Boomers,
millennials have had first-hand exposure to some of the long-term consequences
alcohol can have on the body. And with the rising emphasis on health in society,
millennials have grown up with a focus on consuming sustainable, organic and
healthy options—which does not tend to include alcohol.

Faerman, co-founder of
The Flow Consciousness Institute, said, “No longer relying on
alcohol as a crutch has lead to a profoundly deep relationship with my body.
Nourishing myself with a piece of chocolate or with superfoods produces a
noticeable mood lift that you would just never be able to notice if you are
used to the extreme effects of alcohol and drugs.” As the millennial generation
grows into adulthood, the idea of being “healthy” has never been cooler.
Millennials focus on eating well, exercising and avoiding dangerous health
activities, such as drinking, smoking or drugs.

as Jules Schroeder with
Forbes said, millennials desire
connection. Living alcohol-free allows millennials to experience a heightened
level of relationships, living in alignment with their values and accessing a
deeper grasp on life. Alcohol tends to numb things—thoughts, relationships and
even entire lives. Going without alcohol gives millennials the opportunity to
truly connect with their own bodies, other friends and family and even the
Earth. Millennials have begun to discover the major benefits of going
alcohol-free and are utilizing these benefits in their everyday lives.

any generation, millennials have their struggles, but they have their
advantages too. One such advantage is taking steps toward living a life with
less alcohol, or completely alcohol-free. Whether it’s for financial, health or
personal reasons, millennials are drawing back on alcohol-consumption, and
reaping the benefits from it.