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5 Foods That Reduce Alcohol Cravings

BeClink, we’ve discussed some of the
negative effects alcohol can have on your
body, why you should try the
no alcohol challenge and even what to expect when
stop drinking alcohol. There’s no doubt about it:
if you want to live a healthier lifestyle, giving up alcohol can be a huge
step. However, if you strive to live an alcohol-free life, there can be one big
challenge—the cravings.

you give up alcohol and clear it out of your system, cravings can make it
incredibly difficult to get alcohol completely off your mind. Depending on your
alcohol consumption patterns beforehand, you might even experience symptoms of
withdrawal and detoxification. At this point, cravings can be extremely
challenging, and might even feel downright impossible to overcome. Fortunately,
there are a few ways you can combat cravings, one of which being with food.
Today we explore these options with five different foods that reduce alcohol

1. Fruits and Vegetables

alcohol leaves your system, fruits and vegetables are a perfect food option.Due
to their high amounts of fiber, they help maintain a stable blood sugar level,
digest quickly and further curb your alcohol craving. Fruits in particular can
satisfy your cravings for something sweet, while not adding on any extra
weight. Fruits and vegetables are also rich in nutrients, which strengthen your
immune system and protect your liver, both of which can be negatively impacted
from drinking alcohol. By filling your daily diet with fresh fruits and
vegetables, you can help curb that initial alcohol craving, while also
replacing essential vitamins and preventing vitamin deficiencies.

2. Whole Grains

carbohydrates found in whole grains are vital to the recovery process from
alcohol. Drinking causes your blood sugar and glucose levels to drop, which
further induces your craving for alcohol. When you consume carbohydrates, they
are converted into glucose in the blood and used as energy, which raises
glucose levels and reduces the cravings for alcohol. While simple sugars, such
as candy, potato chips or even white bread, can also increase blood sugar
levels, they ultimately lead to a sugar rush and eventual crash, resulting in a
stronger alcohol craving later on. Instead, whole grains, wheat and bran
provide long-lasting energy, while also offering necessary vitamins and
minerals. Ultimately, your blood sugar levels stay steady, which helps keep
your alcohol cravings under control.

3. Protein-Rich Foods

Livestrong and the University of
Maryland Medical Center, a healthy recovery diet from alcohol also includes
increasing your protein intake. Choose proteins with low fat content in order
to positively affect your mood and energy, helping to decrease your alcohol
cravings. These include foods such as fish, lean beef and baked, grilled or
broiled chicken. Avoid fatty red meats which may cause high cholesterol and
blood pressure problems, and focus on lean meats that are high in protein and
low in fat to reduce your cravings.

4. Dopamine-Enhancers

SFGate quotes Dr. Domenic Ciraulo
of Boston Medical Center and states, “… alcohol causes a chemical imbalance
in the brain involving the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.”
Consistent alcohol consumption can causes your dopamine levels to fall, which
leads to an increase in craving for alcohol and requiring larger amounts of
alcohol to achieve the same effect. Combat these alcohol cravings by choosing
foods that are high in dopamine, such as bananas and sunflower seeds.
Dopamine-enhancers like turkey, avocado and nuts can increase your dopamine
levels, thereby reducing your alcohol cravings.

5. Cayenne Pepper

though it might not sound very appetizing, adding cayenne pepper to your food
can also reduce your cravings for alcohol and increase your appetite as you
wean alcohol out of your life. During detoxification, appetites are often
oppressed, so our bodies no longer receive vital nutrients. Cayenne pepper
helps to decrease alcohol withdrawal symptoms, such as nausea, and increase
your overall appetite. This reduces your further cravings for alcohol, and can
help you consume other foods to move you through the process of

an alcohol-free lifestyle is a great step in improving and promoting your
overall health. However, getting there can be a challenging process,
particularly if you experience strong cravings for alcohol. Try out these five
foods to help reduce your alcohol cravings, and see how you can enjoy a life
living alcohol-free.

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