the warm sunshine and cool breeze in the air, the season of spring is
practically begging us to get outside. Spring is about sweeping away the cold
dust of winter and embracing the upcoming warmth of summer. And of course,
spring brings with it a restored sense of refreshment and wellbeing.
At BeClink, we care about more than just sober living. We care about healthy
living. We want to provide everyone with healthier alternatives to alcoholic beverages, so they can live their lives well. This purpose permeates throughout everything we do. So of course, as we
step into the season of spring, we want to explore healthy options that can
benefit our entire wellbeing. If you want to live a healthier lifestyle this
season, check out this list of healthy and happy spring activities to try.
Give up a habit.
First, look at your current lifestyle and consider one unhealthy habit you can give
up, or set limits on. For example, if you love watching television, but don’t
want to spend hours on end sitting on the couch, consider restraining yourself
to a half-hour of television per day. Or, if you want to give up alcohol,
restrict it to one alcoholic drink per week. By limiting yourself, soon enough
you might find yourself giving up these habits all together, and be on your way
to a healthier lifestyle.
Build a new habit.
As you limit and remove some of the unhealthy habits in your life, consider what
new habits you can build this spring. It takes approximately three weeks to
create a routine, so keep this time frame in mind as you start something new.
Establishing healthy habits is never easy, but it’s always worth it. For
instance, set a goal of reading one book per month. Then, one book every two
weeks. Soon, you’ll read a whole book every week, simply by initiating and
exercising your new healthy habit.
Examine your diet.
Crash diets tend to be popular, and for good reason: they promise quick results with
little to no effort. But, changing your diet is rarely that simple. Instead of
changing everything right away, start by examining your diet. See what small or
subtle changes you can make in the beginning. Stick to those changes for a
little while (build a new habit), then add in other changes. By approaching
your diet with a “slow and steady” mindset, you can create a sustainable
lifestyle that you will actually stick to.
Focus on simple exercise.
The “slow and steady” diet mindset can also be applied to exercise. Oftentimes,
people want to go straight from the couch to running a half-marathon, with
little exercise in between. Alternatively, focus on one simple exercise you can
implement today. Maybe you start with 30 minutes of yoga. Next week, you add in
10 minutes of cardio to your routine. Soon enough, you’re in half-marathon
running shape! Simple exercise efforts like these can vastly improve your
overall health and wellbeing this spring.
Clean your home.
There’s something satisfying about a clean environment. Oftentimes, our home can
significantly affect our mental and emotional health, which also plays a role in
our physical health. Therefore, embrace “spring cleaning.” Take this season to
give away or throw out any unnecessary items from your house, rearrange the
furniture and deep clean your environment. Without a doubt, your mind will feel
cleared, emotions recentered and even physical health improved.
Start a journal.
Like we said, our mental and emotional wellbeing play a big role in our physical
health, too. And of course, nothing helps our emotional and mental health quite
like journaling. Journaling is an opportunity to share everything on your mind.
According to the
University of Rochester
Medical Center
, journaling has been shown to manage anxiety, reduce stress
and cope with depression. It allows you to center your thoughts, track your
progress and provides an opportunity for positive self-talk. Through
journaling, your health can flourish.
Spring is here, which means it’s time to reevaluate your lifestyle and see how you can
continue to grow this season. As we dive into spring this year, keep these tips
in mind for new activities to try. When you prioritize your health and
happiness, your own wellbeing will thrive.